What are the boosters?
The CHS Performing Arts Boosters club is a parent-run fundraising organization whose goal is to raise money and offer help in any way that enhances the experience for the CHS students of the music and drama program.
Who are the members, and how do I become a member?
Good news! If you have a student at CHS in any music/drama program, you are automatically a voting member! Members also include an Executive Committee made up of 4 board members, the Band Director, and the Choir Director.
How can I get Involved?
The best way to get involved is to attend our monthly meetings! We welcome all parents with open arms, no amount of help is too little, stay connected with emails, through our website, and more.
If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, they are on our Volunteer Sign-up page.
What kinds of things do parents/volunteers do?
Help set up our fundraising events, donate goods, volunteer to chaperone events, form small committees, attend events, and the list goes on and on!
Is the CHSPAB club a non-profit organization?
The CHSPAB is registered as a 501c3 with the IRS. We are also listed as a charitable organization with the department of consumer affairs through the State of Connecticut.
What is the difference between a CHSPAB fundraiser, a CHS Music Dept fundraiser, Drama Club fundraiser and a TRI-M fundraiser?
It can get confusing, we know! The simplest way to remember is that the CHSPAB is a “parent” run organization…the CHS Music Department is a “teacher” run program, and TRI-M Music Honors and Drama Club are “student run” programs. They are all part of the same CHS Performing Arts, all with their own fundraisers and sponsored events. We do our best to clarify which group is hosting or sponsoring an event, and at the same time, we offer help across the board. In the end, it’s all about the students! ONE BIG FAMILY!
What If I want to run for a board position?
Elections for executive board positions are held at the end of the school year. We encourage anyone who is interested in running for positions to do so!
Where can I find treasurer’s reports and meeting minutes?
All reports, minutes and any information will be sent out via email if you have signed up for our email list. Copies will also be available on the website, both current and past.
Where are meetings held?
Typically meetings are held at CHS in the choir room. We will always notify members as to where each meeting is being held through email and social media.